Assistant professor of Nutrition, Department of Nutrition, Shoushtar Faculty of Medical Sciences, Shoushtar, Iran ,
Abstract: (1929 Views)
Background and Objectives: Cataract is the second cause of visual impairment and the first cause of blindness worldwide. This study was carried out to assess and compare quantities of caffeine consumption by cataract patients with healthy controls. Materials and Methods: This case-control study was carried out on 336 40–80 year-old participants (168 patients with cataract and 168 healthy individuals). Demographic data, including age, gender, occupation, level of education, economic and marital statuses, levels of physical activity and history of smoking and chronic diseases, were collected using personal information questionnaire. Independent t-test and Mann-Whitney test were used to compare quantitative variables between the two groups. Chi-square test was used to compare categorical variables. Logistic regression was used to investigate relationships between the consumption of caffeinated foods and beverages and the odds ratios (OR) of cataract. Results: Results showed that dietary consumption of caffeine played protective roles against occurrence of cataracts [OR: 0.982 (CI: 0.977, 0.988), p-value < 0.001]. Exposure to ultraviolet light of the sun was also a significant factor in increasing risks of cataract [OR: 2.32 (CI: 1.29, 4.19), p-value = 0.005]. Conclusions: Increasing consumption of caffeinated foods and beverages can play protective roles against cataract.
Delgarm P, Amini S, Mohammadzadeh Y, Jahangirimehr A, Ghomi M. Increasing Consumption of Caffeinated Foods and Beverages Can Play Protective Roles against Cataract: A Case-control Study. Nutr Food Sci Res 2021; 8 (4) :13-18 URL: