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:: Volume 7, Issue 2 (Apr-Jun 2020) ::
Nutr Food Sci Res 2020, 7(2): 29-36 Back to browse issues page
Effects of Quince Seed Mucilage and Green Tea Extract as Active Edible Coatings on Quality of Pacific White Shrimps During Cold Storage
Mohammad Noshad * , Behzad Nasehi , Adieh Anvar
Department of Food Science & Technology, Faculty of Animal Science and Food Technology, Khuzestan Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, , mo.noshad@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3609 Views)
Background and Objectives: Shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei) include high market prices and nutritional values; therefore, they are important aquatic resources worldwide. However, the shelf life of shrimps is limited due to microbiological deterioration during their storage. In recent years, several methods have been used to improve the quality of shrimps during cold storage. One of the most important methods includes use of edible coatings. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess effects of active edible coatings from quince seed mucilage and green tea extract (as an antimicrobial antioxidant compounds) on physicochemical and quality properties of shrimps during cold storage.
Materials and Methods: This study assessed effects of quince seed mucilage (QSM) coating combined with green tea extract (GTE) on color, pH, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), texture and microbial quality of the Pacific white shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei) within 10 days of cold storage.
Results: Results showed that pH and TVB-N values significantly increased (p<0.05) in shrimps treated with QSM coating combined with GTE. Hardness and springiness of the shrimps were improved by increasing the concentration of GTE, compared to controls. Total aerobic plate counts of the shrimps treated by QSM coating combined with GTE were lower than those of controls. The total color difference (∆E) of the controls was lowest than that of other treatments at the end of the storage time. The a* value of the shrimps decreased from -0.87±0.21 to -5.05±1.08 (showing the attitude to greenness) and the b* values increased from 1.44±0.84 to 16.47±1.61 (showing the attitude to yellowness).
Conclusions: These results have suggested that the QSM and GTE coating can decrease spoilage and decomposition that cause quality loss of shrimps.
Keywords: Quince, Green tea, Shrimp, Bioactive coating, Microbial activity
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Article type: Research | Subject: Food Science
Received: 2019/09/30 | Accepted: 2020/03/29 | Published: 2020/05/26
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Noshad M, Nasehi B, Anvar A. Effects of Quince Seed Mucilage and Green Tea Extract as Active Edible Coatings on Quality of Pacific White Shrimps During Cold Storage. Nutr Food Sci Res 2020; 7 (2) :29-36
URL: http://nfsr.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-374-en.html

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