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Showing 1 results for Hormozgan Province

Naser Koosej, Hojatollah Jafariyan, Abdolvahed Rahmani, Abdollrahman Patimar, Hosna Gholipoor,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (2-2017)

Background and Objectives: Despite the increasing impact of heavy metal pollution in Persian Gulf due to urban growth and agricultural and petroleum activities, few studies have focused on the behavior and relationships of these pollutants in the biotic and abiotic components of aquatic environments. In this study, the amount of some metals (copper, iron, lead, cadmium, zinc and nickel) was determined in the tissues of fish from three locations (Qeshm, Khamir port and Laft port) of Persian Gulf.

Materials and Methods: Fish samples were caught in Aug 2015. After bioassay, the samples of short fish (Silago Sihama) were prepared through acid digestion method, and the amount of metals was measured using atomic absorption device (Scientific Equipment GBS).

Results: There were significant variations among heavy metal accumulation levels (P<0.05). The heavy metal concentrations found in the tissues varied (Cu: 0.402–0.642, Zn: 2.21–4.20, Ni: 0.10- 0.33, Fe: 8.30–18.25, Cd: 0.02- 0.07 and Pb: 0.007– 0.019 μg g−1wet weight). The heavy metal concentrations of short fish were higher in Qeshm than those in the short fish from other locations in Persian Gulf.

Conclusions: The research results showed that heavy metal concentrations in the muscles of investigated species were also lower than the maximum levels set by law. Therefore, food risk assessment of the case study species indicated that consumption of short fish with the current consumption rate causes no danger to consumers from the viewpoint of zinc, nickel, cadmium, lead, copper and iron.

Keywords: Trace metals, Health risk assessment, Hormozgan province, Pollution

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