Development of a Protein- and Calcium-Rich Snack Food Made From a Local Anchovy (Stolephorus spp) Flour, Soy Protein Isolate and Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea) Flour
چکیده: (17536 مشاهده) |
Background and Objectives: School children have a high snacking frequency. However, it is poor in nutrients. It is important to provide nutritious snack to support their growth and development. This study aimed to evaluate the nutrient content and sensory properties of a protein- and calcium-rich snack made from a local anchovy (LA), soy protein isolate (SPI), and Bambara groundnut flour (BGF).
Materials and Methods: The formulas consisted of LA, SPI and BGF including F1 ((0.0:22.9:11.5), F2 (17.2:5.7:11.5) and F3 (22.9:0.0:11.5). Proximate and calcium content analyses were carried out in an accredited laboratory, while sensory properties (descriptive test) were evaluated by 25 semi-trained panelists.
Results: The protein content, in mean (standard deviation), of F0, F1, F2 and F3 was 33,57 (0,05), 25,72 (0.02), 20,64 (0,04), and 14,91 (0,05) respectively. The calcium content, in mean (standard deviation), of F0, F1, F2 and F3 was 57,58 (0,09), 164,18 (0,04), 188,78 (0,05), and 181,31 (0,05) respectively. Only F1 and F2 fulfilled the protein-rich claim based on Indonesian Food Drugs Administration standard (BPOM). All formulas fulfilled the ‘good source of calcium’ claims if compared with BPOM standard. However, F3 was the most preferred by the panelist (highest hedonic score for all parameters).
Conclusions: The new developed product could be an alternative snack which contains a good source of protein and calcium in order to alleviate protein-malnutrition among children, particularly in developing nations. |
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(2363 دریافت)
نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي |
موضوع مقاله:
Food Science دریافت: 1397/2/31 | پذیرش: 1397/5/30 | انتشار: 1397/9/10
ارسال نظر درباره این مقاله |