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:: دوره 6، شماره 2 - ( 1-1398 ) ::
جلد 6 شماره 2 صفحات 36-29 برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها
Monitoring and Risk Assessment of Lead and Cadmium in Milks from East of Iran Using Monte Carlo Simulation Method
چکیده:   (5798 مشاهده)
Background and Objectives: Milk is an important component of the human diet. Exposure to heavy metals through dairy consumption of contaminated foods endangers human health. The aim of this study was to assess concentrations of lead and cadmium in raw milk samples from east of Iran and their safety risks.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 54 raw milk samples from five regions were selected by cluster sampling and 20 samples of various popular brands of pasteurized milks were randomly purchased from supermarkets in east of Iran. Samples were digested in laboratory using acid digestion method. Concentrations of elements were calculated using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy. Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) approach was used to assess safety risks and investigate noncarcinogenic effects of lead and cadmium.
Results: The mean concentrations of lead and cadmium in raw milks included 38.15 and 4.67 ±0.001 μg/kg, respectively. The mean concentrations of lead and cadmium in pasteurized milk included 48.49 ±0.001 and 6.84 ±0.001 μg/kg, respectively. Moreover, the target hazard quotient (THQ) for adults and children in all groups were reported within the safe limits. There were hence no possible risks of exposure to lead and cadmium as results of raw and pasteurized milk consumptions.
Conclusions: Lead and cadmium levels did not exceed maximum levels (MLs) in any samples of raw and pasteurized milks. Persistent monitoring is a critical action to protect consumers from contaminated foods. The health risk assessment pursuant to Monte Carlo simulation approach demonstrated that children and adults were not at impressive health risk
(THQ < 1).
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نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: Food Science
دریافت: 1396/11/26 | پذیرش: 1398/5/13 | انتشار: 1398/5/13
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Madani-Tonekaboni M, Sadat aghayan N, Rafiei Nazari R, Mirzamohammadi S, Abdolshahi A, Abbasi-bastami N et al . Monitoring and Risk Assessment of Lead and Cadmium in Milks from East of Iran Using Monte Carlo Simulation Method. Nutr Food Sci Res 2019; 6 (2) :29-36
URL: http://nfsr.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-290-fa.html

Monitoring and Risk Assessment of Lead and Cadmium in Milks from East of Iran Using Monte Carlo Simulation Method. 1. 1398; 6 (2) :29-36

URL: http://nfsr.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-290-fa.html

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دوره 6، شماره 2 - ( 1-1398 ) برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها
Nutrition and food in health and disease
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