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:: دوره 2، شماره 3 - ( 3-1394 ) ::
جلد 2 شماره 3 صفحات 54-47 برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها
The potential of low temperature extraction method for analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in refined olive and refined pomace olive oils by HPLC/FLD
چکیده:   (6996 مشاهده)
Background and Objectives: A method was developed and validated for determining 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in refined olive and refined pomace olive oils using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with a fluorescence detector. Materials and Methods: The sample preparation involved liquid–liquid extraction with organic solvent and low temperature clean-up. The low temperature allowed most of the lipids in the extract to be removed. Then alumina-N and NH2 solid phase extraction cartridges were used for further clean-up. Results: The results showed that the obtained chromatogram of extract was free of significant interferences. The PAH recoveries ranged from 81% to 114 %. Limit of detection and limit of quantitation for individual PAHs were 0.09-1.97 µgkg-1 and 0.29-5.99 µgkg-1, respectively. Conclusions: The performance of the present method was evaluated for determining PAHs in various types of real refined olive and refined pomace olive oil samples, and suitable results were obtained. The variable levels of PAHs were detected to range from 0.29 to 8.21µgkg-1 in real samples. Keywords: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), Refined olive oil, Refined pomace olive oil, Low temperature extraction, High performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC/FLD)
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نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: Nutrition
دریافت: 1394/3/8 | پذیرش: 1394/5/5 | انتشار: 1394/5/5
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Taghvaee Z, Piravivanak Z, Rezaee K, Faraji M, Nanvazadeh S. The potential of low temperature extraction method for analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in refined olive and refined pomace olive oils by HPLC/FLD. Nutr Food Sci Res 2015; 2 (3) :47-54
URL: http://nfsr.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-104-fa.html

The potential of low temperature extraction method for analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in refined olive and refined pomace olive oils by HPLC/FLD. 1. 1394; 2 (3) :47-54

URL: http://nfsr.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-104-fa.html

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دوره 2، شماره 3 - ( 3-1394 ) برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها
Nutrition and food in health and disease
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