Nutrition and food in health and disease- Peer Review Process
Peer Review Process

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Peer Review Process

1- For paper submission, author should register in journal website ( and register. After receiving their username and password via e-mail, the authors could use the "Submit paper" link, log in, and submit their manuscript.

2- Manuscripts which are written according to the journal format (considering the format in sectioning, the number of words in abstract, references, etc.…) are referred to the related section editor. If the paper fits to the specified fields of the journal and has innovation, then it will be sent to three or more national and international referees expert in that specific field, at least two of which are out of the editorial board members (preferably one from the scientifically advanced countries). The corresponding author could also suggest potential reviewers to the journal at the time of submission. However, the editorial board reserves the right to select or refuse to use the suggested potential reviewers.

3- The reviewer comments will be sent to the corresponding author till 3 weeks.

4- After receiving the modified version of the manuscript and/or author’s answers to the reviewer questions, it will be sent to a final reviewer. If the modifications and/or answers are not adequate, it will be sent back to the corresponding author with a specified deadline to send the final corrected version.

5- The final corrected version of the manuscript is sent back to the same final reviewer. Then, the comments and the overall opinion of the final reviewer are discussed in the journal"s editorial board, and the final decision (the acceptance letter or a letter informing the author of not accepting the manuscript) will be sent to the corresponding author.

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