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The scientific and research merits of the journal “ Nutrition and Food Sciences Research (NFSR)” was approved by the letter dated 28 October 2014 at the 113th meeting dated 19 October 2014 of the Medical Commission of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. pISSN: 2383-0441, eISSN: 2383-3009.
NFSR is an open access journal and is a multidisciplinary peer reviewed journal that publishes significant advances and discoveries in all aspects of nutrition and food technology . NFSR aims to promote communication among nutrition and food technology researchers worldwide. This journal publishes original works within the area of nutrition and food technology and related disciplines that has not been published elsewhere or submitted simultaneously to other journals. Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within four weeks of submission.
We invite you to submit your manuscript(s) through our online submission at: www.nfsr.sbmu.ac.ir. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next issue.